Saturday, February 16, 2013

Did I get RIPPED OFF? Let's talk WEIGHT!

     Weighing your Cannabis

     Here's a questions that has been asked many times, and probably will get asked a million times more. I just bought a half-quarter (3.5grams)... Is this 3.5 grams? There is ONLY ONE sure fire way to be 100% certain you have received what you have agreed to purchase. Get yourself one of these:

 A scale should only run you $5-10 and you will never, ever have to worry about being shorted again. If by chance you don't have a scale you can "eye-ball" your buy. Just keep in mind that density will play a HUGE factor in how much you think you have. I have seen nugs so dense a quarter (7grams) looked like a mere 3 grams and vise-versa. Where your nug is so fluffy 3 grams looks like 7!

How do I buy, what are the amounts?

When purchasing marijuana there are usually "mile-stone" amounts that are bought.

Weight In Grams (Name For Amount)
1 Gram (A Deeg, A Gram, A Dime)
3.5 Grams (A Half- Quarter)
7 Grams (A Quarter)
14 Grams (A Half-Oz)
28 Grams (A Whole Oz, One Oz)
453 Grams (1 POUND, 16 Oz)

     These are simple ways to ask for your weed. "Hi, I'd like a quarter". Although this is not a rule and you may asked for other amounts, "May I please get 5 grams". Normally 1 gram will cost $10, but the amount your gram weights will depend on numerous factors (The quality, person you are buying from, how long you've known the person you are purchasing from, etc). The more you buy the cheaper it will be for you.  

Option A:  1 gram = $10, Lets say you get 0.7grams and you pay $10.
Option B:  7 grams = $70, Lets say you ask for a quarter, you most likely will receive 7 grams for $70.

     If you choose option A seven(7) times you will have ended up paying $70 but only received 4.9 grams (0.7*7) compared to the 7grams you would have received if you purchased it all together ( it's like WHOLESALE).

     I GOT RIPPED OFF! In the dreaded situation where your dealer does NOT give you what you asked there are a few things you can do. You first most logical option would be to call him up and *politely* tell them. 
"hey I received 6.1 grams instead of 7". Then see what he responds. You can ignore it and just hope it doesn't happen next time. If this is a continuing problem your BEST choice would be to find a new man and stop going to the one that is cheating you, plain and simple. Violence will NOT get you very far.

Let's Take A Look at Some Examples Of Weight:

A Gram

A Quarter:

A Ounce:

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