Saturday, February 23, 2013

Was my Bud LACED?!?!

Laced Bud:

     This is a question that a lot of people come across. Did someone sell me laced bud? What was my bud laced with? First off, what is laced weed? Marijuana that someone has added other drugs/ chemicals/ objects to is known as laced weed. Anything from crazy drugs like cocaine, to hazardous chemicals like Windex. Yes that's right, WINDEX! You may also come across "grit" weed which is weed with sand or crushed glass in it. It's crazy to think anyone would do such a thing.

     In MOST cases the answer to this question is no. Think about it for a second. There is no reason your dealer is going to ADD coke' to your bud as this would cost them quite a bit of money. Dealers are already money hungry and they won't waste their product. However it never hurts to double check.

     So you just smoked some "good" bud and now some anxiety kicks in. HELP, is my bud laced? I just smoked some and now I have a headache! Everything is spinning, my ears are buzzing. I had a very, very fast heart beat, or an extremely slow heart beat. Everything is moving in slow motion and my body is buzzing! These are the tell-tale signs of someone who is fairly new to the herb smoked too much, or something more potent than they are used to.

     Well what can you do to see if you have laced bud? If you are concerned about having something else in your bud, just look at it. Sometimes this is more than enough, as you would be able to see if it is just bud or something else. If you see little white rocks in your bud it might be crack! But then again why would anyone do that? (It could be rocks, as in perlite that is used to grow weed). Sometimes people even confuse Trichomes (crystals) on the bud for other substances.  When dealing with grit weed a method often used is the CD Check. Take the bud and swipe/rub it on the back of a cd. If this scratches the cd a lot then you may have something (glass particles, sand) in your bud.

Here's what you don't do ;) . No one has EVER died from marijuana. Never Ever. Ever

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Marijuana Methods (Consumption)

     There are many ways to use marijuana and we will talk about why some are better than others. The most popular method seems to be smoking it in a joint. Other methods are pipes, steamrollers, bongs, vaporizers and edibles.

     It is fair to say that smoking a joint is a very good method. It is quick, easy, and semi-stealthy. Once it is done you should no longer have to worry about anything (as you shouldn't have anything else with you). The only downfall is the smell which is something you can deal with. Bud is broken up and rolled with rolling paper, some popular brands include Zig-Zags, Rizzla, Bob Marley. *The THC percentage received from a joint is 28%.*

     Bong are a very effective way of consuming marijuana. There are many different types of bongs with just as many types of "features" or perc's. There are acrylic bongs which are usually pretty cheap. Then there are bongs with rubber grommets which as fairly good, but cost a little more. The best type of bongs are Glass-On-Glass bongs, which are completely and only made of glass. They cost the most but are definitely worth the money, ranging from $60 all the way up to the thousands for some "name brand" bongs.
How To use a Bong: 

     There are usually three pieces, the Bong, a Down stem, And a Bowl (some bongs have carb's). You fill the bong with water, then insert the down stem. The bowl is where you put your herb, which you insert into the down stem. Put your mouth on the top of your bong and begin to inhale while holding your lighter over your bud. Once the chamber (bong) fills up remove the bowl (Or let go of the carb, which you should have covered when first inhaling) inhale the smoke in the bong. *The THC percentage received from a bong is 78%*.

    The best way to consume marijuana is through a vaperizor because it is the healthiest, since you are not smoking but inhaling vapor. The bud is only heated enough to where it does not burn but the thc is "released". The most popular vaporizer is the Volcano Vape, which will run you upwards to $700. Another great alternative is something like MFLB (Magic-Flight-Launch-Box), a hand held vapeorizer which is about $100. *The THC percentage received from a vaporizer is 92-98%*. 

     Arguably one of the absolute best method, especially for medicinal use are edibles. Food with cannabis cooked into it. You can also make drinks and tinctures.

Did I get RIPPED OFF? Let's talk WEIGHT!

     Weighing your Cannabis

     Here's a questions that has been asked many times, and probably will get asked a million times more. I just bought a half-quarter (3.5grams)... Is this 3.5 grams? There is ONLY ONE sure fire way to be 100% certain you have received what you have agreed to purchase. Get yourself one of these:

 A scale should only run you $5-10 and you will never, ever have to worry about being shorted again. If by chance you don't have a scale you can "eye-ball" your buy. Just keep in mind that density will play a HUGE factor in how much you think you have. I have seen nugs so dense a quarter (7grams) looked like a mere 3 grams and vise-versa. Where your nug is so fluffy 3 grams looks like 7!

How do I buy, what are the amounts?

When purchasing marijuana there are usually "mile-stone" amounts that are bought.

Weight In Grams (Name For Amount)
1 Gram (A Deeg, A Gram, A Dime)
3.5 Grams (A Half- Quarter)
7 Grams (A Quarter)
14 Grams (A Half-Oz)
28 Grams (A Whole Oz, One Oz)
453 Grams (1 POUND, 16 Oz)

     These are simple ways to ask for your weed. "Hi, I'd like a quarter". Although this is not a rule and you may asked for other amounts, "May I please get 5 grams". Normally 1 gram will cost $10, but the amount your gram weights will depend on numerous factors (The quality, person you are buying from, how long you've known the person you are purchasing from, etc). The more you buy the cheaper it will be for you.  

Option A:  1 gram = $10, Lets say you get 0.7grams and you pay $10.
Option B:  7 grams = $70, Lets say you ask for a quarter, you most likely will receive 7 grams for $70.

     If you choose option A seven(7) times you will have ended up paying $70 but only received 4.9 grams (0.7*7) compared to the 7grams you would have received if you purchased it all together ( it's like WHOLESALE).

     I GOT RIPPED OFF! In the dreaded situation where your dealer does NOT give you what you asked there are a few things you can do. You first most logical option would be to call him up and *politely* tell them. 
"hey I received 6.1 grams instead of 7". Then see what he responds. You can ignore it and just hope it doesn't happen next time. If this is a continuing problem your BEST choice would be to find a new man and stop going to the one that is cheating you, plain and simple. Violence will NOT get you very far.

Let's Take A Look at Some Examples Of Weight:

A Gram

A Quarter:

A Ounce:

What is bud? Let's classify that for you!

Using this wonderful plant has many medicinal benefits.

     Is it your first time seeing cannabis? Let's take a look at marijuana, and talk about some of the things you should know before investing. Marijuana comes in all different shapes, sizes, densities, colours, smells and much much more. No two strains are exactly alike, and there are hundreds and hundreds of them to choose from!

5 Different Dank Strains, MMMmmm Delicious!
     Normally there are three common terms widely used to describe the quality of your bud. These are Shwag (Bad weed), Mid's (Alright weed), and Dank (Awesome weed). So how do you determine the quality of your bud? Well, there are an abundance of factors that show you how good or bad your weed is. Crystals -Also known as trichomes, these things contain your THC. The more crystals your bud  contains the more likely it is to be of higher quality. How pungent is the aroma? There are some strains that have a very STRONG distinct smell and others not so much. For the most part it is safe to say that the stronger the smell the better the quality (Although smell has a lot to do with the way the bud was processed and dried by the grower). In general you want bud that is frosty (crystals), pungent in smell, dried (NOT wet), and dense. They do not contain a lot of stems and usually no seeds (referred to as sinsemilla).

Pictures Of Quality

 This is you Schwag. Doesn't look very nice does it. It is also known as "Dirt-weed" or "Brick-weed". Very cheap in price but it won't get you very high. Does not taste very good, smell very good or look very good.

Here we have some decent looking Mids. You are most likely to come across marijuana that looks like this. You have "low" mids, mids, and "high" mids -when referring to the quality in this category. Doesn't look very frosty, might have a decent smell. Fairly well done trim job, but some leaves still remain. Better high than shwag but nowhere as close to anything you would expect from Dank.

Finally, here we have a DANK. Doesn't it just look like a piece of art! Has a good amount of hairs, not much leaves (indicating a good trim job), looks very frosty. You see a wide arrange of colors, some purple, a little light green a little darker green and some orange hairs. This is the best quality marijuana you would come by. A great high, usually no come-down, expect a very pleasant experience if you're smoking this. It probably smells really good too, but not much telling from behind your computer screen!
Be humbled you have access to this quality young grass hopper.

Friday, February 15, 2013

An Introduction to Cannabis

Marijuana -Exactly what is it, what does it do, and why is it such a controversial subject?
     Cannabis, Weed, Pot, Kush, Dank, Reefer, Grass, Ganja, Herb are all other words for Marijuana. It is the most widely used recreational drug, but also one of the most crucial medicine for seriously ill individuals suffering from things such as cancer or chronic pain. The plant itself is normally referred to as Cannabis. The male phenotype of cannabis produces hemp, the strongest natural fibre in the world. A female cannabis plant produces buds (flowers) containing the chemical, THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) that also happens to be produced naturally by our brains. If this one plant has all these positive uses then why does it remain illegal? I'll save that for another post.

     Marijuana can be used in numerous ways. Anything from smoking it in a joint, bong  (water pipe), pipe, eating an edible (Food containing cooked cannabis), or even the healthier alternative vaporizering are all ways to get a dose THC. Some of the effects you may experience from consuming cannabis are; impaired motor coordination, short-term memory loss, increased heart-rate, anxiety, relaxation, pain relief, induced hunger, and aids insomnia.