Friday, February 15, 2013

An Introduction to Cannabis

Marijuana -Exactly what is it, what does it do, and why is it such a controversial subject?
     Cannabis, Weed, Pot, Kush, Dank, Reefer, Grass, Ganja, Herb are all other words for Marijuana. It is the most widely used recreational drug, but also one of the most crucial medicine for seriously ill individuals suffering from things such as cancer or chronic pain. The plant itself is normally referred to as Cannabis. The male phenotype of cannabis produces hemp, the strongest natural fibre in the world. A female cannabis plant produces buds (flowers) containing the chemical, THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) that also happens to be produced naturally by our brains. If this one plant has all these positive uses then why does it remain illegal? I'll save that for another post.

     Marijuana can be used in numerous ways. Anything from smoking it in a joint, bong  (water pipe), pipe, eating an edible (Food containing cooked cannabis), or even the healthier alternative vaporizering are all ways to get a dose THC. Some of the effects you may experience from consuming cannabis are; impaired motor coordination, short-term memory loss, increased heart-rate, anxiety, relaxation, pain relief, induced hunger, and aids insomnia.

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